
One Hundred Days

It has been over a month since I wrote last time so I thought I would come and tell what has happened and what's going on!

In the beginning of April my team took part in the Finnish Championships of Ringette and WE WON!! It was an amazing weekend and I got so many wonderful memories from there. Our Finnish Baseball season has also started and it feels good to be back after the long winter!

On the 16th of April we had the National Rotary Outbound training in Lahti. It took the whole day and it was divided in many parts. During the day we got a lot of important information and for the first time special information especially for the students heading to France. We also got to know the departure day, which makes the exchange even more concrete. From there I bought some Rotary clothes and pins and we tried our Rotary blazers on.

On the first weekend of May I celebrated Vappu with some of my friends. It was an awesome weekend: lots of donuts, sima (it's a drink) and of course a lot of laughing and having fun!

Last weekend we had a 4-day mini holiday from school. I had a Lord of the Rings -marathon with my friend and we were in Turku watching the newest Kung-Fu Panda movie with two of my friends. It was a nice weekend!

I haven't got the city nor the family information yet but school year has been and will be very busy so I don't have so much time to wait for them before the summer holiday (which is by the way in 20 days!)

This week I have done a lot of things for the exchange: signed some papers, sent files to France, designed my exchange pins and so on. On Wednesday we even booked the flights! Now I have an exact time for my flight which makes the exchange so much more real!

Day by day the departure is coming closer and closer and at the moment I have 100 days left here in Finland! I think they will go by so fast! I'm working in the summer and I have a lot of matches and training. And of course, I have to try to be with my friends and family as much as I can before my year in France starts!
